Are Theo James & India Eisley "Twilight" Fans?

Are Theo James & India Eisley "Twilight" Fans? Buzzine find out

Source Buzzine

Transcript After The Cut

Emmanuel Itier: Tell me about working with Kate on Underworld. What do you like about this type of franchise, and what was your favorite sequence in the movie?

Theo James: It was great. It’s a very rich franchise. It’s got the whole history of the first three movies, and it’s a very rich world that you’re placed in.

India Eisley: I thought the whole fight sequence between Kate and it still called an uber-lycan?

TJ: Uber-lycan, yeah, I think it was. That's pretty cool, actually.

IE: Yeah, I thought that whole sequence was really cool.

TJ: Yeah, definitely.

EI: Were you into vampire movies? Do you like the Twilight type of movie and all that, before doing it?

TJ: Interview with a Vampire was always a big favorite of mine.

IE: I loved True Blood. I’m a huge Alan Ball fan.

EI: Tell me about working with these two Swedish guys. How was it to have two directors, and what do you think they brought to the movie?

TJ: It was interesting to see because, on the base of it, you see you’ve got two directors and you don’t know how it’s going to work out, but it actually worked out really well.

IE: They’re like the same person broken up into two different specimens. [Laughs]

TJ: Yeah, they are one mind. And they’re fun guys.

IE: Yeah, they’re just really sweet. And I think they did a great job.

EI: What do you think is the coolest way to kill these beasts? Is there a way that you prefer the best?

TJ: I kind of like using a silver whip. I think that’s a good way to destroy someone.

IE: I like using my claws and my fangs. [Laughs] Just taking a big chomp out of them is nice.

EI: How do you explain the success of the franchise? It’s number four, they are talking about number five. What do you think people get from these movies, and what do you get yourself from Underworld?

TJ: I think there’s the appeal of two clashing clans. First of all, in other movies, it’s popular as well, with the werewolves and the vampires. And then, on top of that, it’s a very primal movie. It’s about animal drive and bloodlust. And then with this, I don’t know – is it the darkness of it? The gothic nature?

IE: Yeah, I think it just definitely has a gory edge to it that a lot of other vampire franchises don’t have.

TJ: And as I said before, the whole richness of the history of it.

IE: Yeah, it has a very medieval feel to it at the same time of being… It’s weird; it has a modern vibe, but also a very historic quality.

EI: Now that you have a taste for blood, are you ready to be back in the next one? And what do you expect if they do a next one? What would you like to have? What things would you do?

TJ: Let’s see how this one goes down, I suppose, but just seeing these kinds of stories – the way that they’ve developed the Underworld stories, you can go so many places because they’re quite complex stories.

IE: Yeah, there are so many options that are left open. It can go in so many different directions. I think I just repeated exactly what you just said. [Laughs]

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